This was the chart that they were working from. It is based on three simple primaries: cadmium yellow pale, alizarine crimson, and ultramarine blue.
From these the secondary and tertiary colours are mixed. Then the three primaries are mixed to produce the perfectly balanced neutral in the centre circle.
The ring of colours surrounding the central neutral are the primary and secondary neutrals, eg between red and the central neutral is the red neutral.
The ring is comprised of red, purple, blue, green,yellow, and orange neutrals.
So why bother?
Because it is about training the eye and the hand through experience.
Remembering the old proverb,"knowledge is the awareness that fire burns. Wisdom is remembering the pain of the blisters."
It is one thing to know that yellow and blue make green, but only by constant mixing can one become aware of the huge range of potential greens available even from such a simple palette.
Now that this post is finished I'm going out to tackle the lovely spring greens in our valley.

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