Sunday, 31 May 2015


Another rainy day. I'm enjoying painting these still life paintings so I set these apples up on the covered deck at the side of the house. A good place to work when it's too miserable to go down the valley or out to the beach.

15144 "Apples". Oil on panel. 12x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Saturday, 30 May 2015


Painted this today as a demonstration at the Suter Cafe, as part of our annual plein air painter's exhibition opening.

Ok. I wasn't actually outside, but I was painting at a table by the window, and people could get a pretty good idea of what alla prima or direct painting is all about.

There must have been over forty people there at the peak. Not too bad for a Sunday afternoon, holiday weekend and all.

I think most people were surprised at how fast the painting came together. As I have so often said in the past, on such occasions: "How long to paint something like this? One hour, and twenty years. But the twenty years has to come first." Grin.

15143 ."Apples". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. Sold

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Location:Maitai Valley Road,Maitai,New Zealand

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Haul out

Back at the Marina. I just love the shadows and clips of light. Boat hulls cast wonderful shadows, and have splendid graduated tonal structures revealing form.

But most of all I love painting them because they are so evocative, so beautiful.

I think that it is a bloke thing.

15142. "Haulout." Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Maitai Valley mural.

The Maitai Valley mural is now blocked in, but looks a bit " night and day". Unfortunately the light went off the wall earlier than I expected today, so tomorrow I will have the adjustments to do.

It will be a good place to leave it for this holiday weekend.

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Tuesday, 26 May 2015


I spent four hours on this today. The lines are weather boards so the exercise of painting it was a challenge. It counts as my plein air painting today, as it certainly was painted out doors.

The image is a birds eye view of the valley I live in. Tomorrow I paint the second half, and that will include our place.

"Maitai Valley Mural". Acrylic on weather board. 2m. X 3m aprox.


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Monday, 25 May 2015

"Mackay's Bluff".

Another funny old day. Started out fine and still, then the faithful old Southerly returned. I was out Boulder Bank Drive and managed to find a sheltered spot behind some trees.

The tide was in so for once the creeks were full. Quite a lot of wild life. Mostly ducks finding a safe haven I suspect.

15141. "Mackay's Bluff". Oil on panel. 8 x10 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sunday, 24 May 2015

Detail Work.

Down at the Marina again today. Cold southerly still blowing, but last night I saw the film "Mr Turner", and remembering how he had himself lashed to a mast to stud a storm, how could I not paint today?

I decided to close in on the worker rather than the boat. I am happy with the result.

15140. "Detail Work". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Saturday, 23 May 2015

Container ship, Port Nelson.

It was a blustery day down at the port. Even the usual fisher folk who dangle their lines off the wharf seemed unsure. Never mind. I found a reasonably sheltered spot and persevered.

As is so often the case, I was thinking that the composition was a little static, and was wondering what to do when this yacht hove into view. Bingo! Problem solved.

15139. "Container Ship, Port Nelson." Oil on panel. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Friday, 22 May 2015

Apples red and green

Autumn continues, and so do the apple still life paintings. In our place here in Nelson, apples really are the last serious crop to come in. We have had figs and feijoas, the last of the blue berries and even the odd strawberry, but it is always impressive just how many apples are still on the trees.

I went for a walk through the orchard early this morning and gathered these red and green apples. Red Delicious and Granny Smith. I think that they may a lovely contrast in the bowl.

15138. "Red and Green Apples". Oil on panel. 8x10 inches. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Wednesday, 20 May 2015


This is a small still life painted on my deck this afternoon. I love painting autumn fruit, and especially outdoors. These are apples from our own orchard, so there is something special about them for me.

15137. "Apples". Oil on panel. 8x10 in $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Tuesday, 19 May 2015


The tide comes in, the tide goes out. An endless rhythm. The sky changes constantly. Front follows front. The wet sands reflect the sky. The winds move the clouds, the sea moves, always changing, ever the same yet never the same.

I have painted from this spot many times, and it is always different, and always challenging. And it is always fun.

15136. "Tides". Oil on panel. 8x10 in.

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Monday, 18 May 2015


What a difference a day makes. Yesterday about this time I faced a strong southerly breeze to paint. Today, it is almost a flat calm. I was taken by the reflection of the clouds in the water, and the way the yacht seemed to float above its own reflection.

15135. "Reflections" oil on panel. 8x10 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me @

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Sunday, 17 May 2015

Kite Surfer. Tahunanui Beach

This was a tough one. Facing into a strong southerly breeze. The winter sun, not setting, but low in the sky. It was lingering behind these torn Turneresque clouds, creating a strange sparkling light on the choppy seas behind the Blind Arm, where the Waimea estuary empties out into Tasman Bay.

It is not what I went there to paint, and normally I avoid wild skies looking into the wind and sun, but what with the kites and all, I had to try.

I think that it works.

15134. "Kite Surfer, Tahunanui". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Saturday, 16 May 2015

Back Beach, Tahunanui.

Yesterday was macrocarpas. Today it is ancient pines. Again I went down to the beach, and found my subject for the day. It was lovely and sunny, with almost no wind.

Plenty of people around, enjoying what may well be one of the last truly pleasant Sunday afternoons before winter finally kicks in. A lot of dog walkers passed me as I painted.

I have noticed that dogs really like plein air painters. They are always curious and friendly. At least,they don't seem to think that my easel is a lamppost substitute, for which I am grateful.

15133. "Back Beach, Tahunanui". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me @

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Friday, 15 May 2015


Back in Nelson NZ. It was good to get back to my favourite beach. In so many ways a change in scenery is invigorating. The new experiences in themselves are exciting, but also returning home to find fresh delight in the familiar.

I found these old macrocarpas down at Tahunanui Beach irresistible.

15132. "Macrocarpas". Oil on panel. 8x10 in.

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Ninth Bali painting. Cottages and Banana Palms

I saw these on the way back to my hotel. I was going to paint an historic temple on the coast but too many people. No place to stand. Never mind. It is the last of my Bali paintings. It has been fun. I've really enjoyed the experience. I'm glad that I have had so much previous plein air painting experience before I attempted this. It is as much knowing what not to take as much as what you must. It has worked out ok.

Subjects are everywhere, but the opportunity to set up and paint them depends on local knowledge. I was fortunate to have sympathetic drivers.

Brush cleaning is always a challenge but I managed with soap and "the masters" solid brush cleaner. Did not need turps praise be.

15131 "Cottages and Banana Palms". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Eighth Bali painting.

You just can't have it all it seems. I've been wanting to paint some traditional boats and finally found a beach of them! Wonderful little ships. Well capable of handling serious seas. But I think for the first time in Bali, no coconut palms, and no thatched roofs.

O well. One of the realities of plein air painting is that you take it how it is, and make of it what you can. I think that it worked out ok.

15130 "Balinese boats". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Seventh Bali painting. "Behind the Reef"

This painting is all about light and the colour blue. I was fortunate to find a place to paint out of the direct sun. But sheesh it was hot. The hottest day yet. It was painted before midday. Then back to my room for siesta.

I have to clean my brushes immediately as in this heat the alkyd oil kicks within the hour and it becomes very difficult to clean them. Not good for their bristles.

15129. "Behind the Reef". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from my blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sixth Bali painting "Morning at the Pool"

This was an interesting view over the pool into the dining room, that is open sided, past the pool side bar. I think that I will revisit this subject at it would work better with a vertical format.

15128. "Morning at the Pool" oil on panel. 6x8. NFS

Plein air paintings from my blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Monday, 11 May 2015

Rice Paddies and Palms.

Today we went inland, past Kuta and the capital city Denpasar to the art centre of Ubud. That in itself was an amazing experience. We called into different galleries looking at carving, wood and stone, and painting. Many crafts. So busy. I felt like I was bringing coals to Newcastle when I set my easel up to paint this.

But there must be very few plein air painters around. I seem to get a small crowd every time. The simple fact is that my painting is quite different that the local work. Less intricate and designer, more loose and gestural. The big bold work I have seen here is huge and thickly impastoed, painted with a knife. Real studio work.

O well, each to their own.

15127. "Rice Paddies and Palms". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Fourth Bali Painting

This is a surf beach but I'm not sure where. The family drove me there and while they went off and did beach things I painted this. I haven't handled a crowd scene with many umbrellas before, in such a small format.

15126. "Surf Beach". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from my blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Third Bali Painting. "Morning Walk".

This was painted on the way back from breakfast. I wanted something suggesting a traditional village. In the early morning light the palms and buildings worked for me.

It was painted "contre jour", that is, against the light. By the time I had finished the sun had swung so far around that the whole composition had changed.

Never mind. I think that I nailed it.

15125. "Morning Walk". Oil on panel. 6x8 in $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Saturday, 9 May 2015

Second Bali painting.

This is a more measured painting later in the day. I had breakfasted by this time, and gone for a walk around the resort, looking for subjects. Really, this is such a beautiful place. For me the tranquil pool and the palm trees make it special.

15126. "Pool side, Bali". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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First Bali painting

I have had an amazing few days, but I think that I'm back on track now. My intention was to paint en plein air every day for a year. I did not expect to be thirty six hours in transit, with all my painting gear checked through and inaccessible. Nor that I would be locked away for eight hours in the Brisbane transit lounge, unable to get outside.

I arrived at midnight in Bali. The first thing I did before I crashed was to unpack my gear. The first thing I did when I woke the next morning (ok, the second thing) was to walk out onto my room's deck.

This is the painting I did before breakfast.

15124. "View from my Deck. Bali" oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Monday, 4 May 2015

Sanding, ready for anti fouling

This will be my last painting in NZ for ten days or so. I'm off to Bali tomorrow for my daughter's wedding. I will be painting there, and I hope, posting from there too.

Sanding and anti fouling in a marina of 500 boats is like painting the Auckland Harbour bridge. A never ending job. I watched these two gents hard at work today and recognised that my subject of the day lay before me.

Overcast, with rain due later, and some fitful sun breaking through from time to time. I think that we all managed to finish our allotted tasks.

15123. "Sanding and Anti Fouling". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sunday, 3 May 2015


Kohine is a beautiful yacht that is being refurbished at the marina. Inevitably my eye was caught as I walked through the hard stand area. One always notices the prettiest girl at a party.

This painting is not quite finished as the light changed too rapidly. Perhaps later tonight.

15122. "Kohine". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

Working the Edge

This is post 120 for this year. I really was not sure how the year would work out. Painting and posting every day. As it happens it is good. In some ways not as hard as I expected. Certainly it has proven to be very enjoyable. However it has had consequences that were not entirely anticipated.

These posts now define my day. They have become what I am. My day circles them. Before post, writing post, after post. No wonder I have been so distressed after the whole posting routine was disrupted and my carefully crafted and edited posts were lost apparently irretrievably.

Whatever, the glitch seems to be sorted for now.

I feel some sympathy for the sea birds I saw a couple of days ago, "Working the Edge". As the tide turns and the sea comes back over the sandbanks at the edge of the Maitai river the seagulls wait patiently for their dinner to arrive. Their day is defined by the phases of the moon and the vagaries of the weather. Glitches happen to them too.
15120. "Working the Edge"  oil on panel.  8x10 in. 

Waiting for the Ship

15119. "Waiting for theShip". Oil on panel. 8x10 in.

When I arrived at Lake Rotoiti I was not sure what my subject would be. I was hoping for some early snow, but the recent heavy rain had washed that away. Then as I drove up Mt Robert rd t saw this gentleman standing at the end of the jetty.

I don't know what it is that draws us to go to the end of a jetty or pier and look out into the distance. The lure of eternity? Infinite distance? Or perhaps just waiting for our ship to come in.

Anyway, I had found my subject for the day.


I have posted 177 posts to date. Up to now I have had very little trouble.
Now all at once I have attempted to publish the last three posts and they have simply vanished.
They may come back.
I'm off over seas in a couple of days to Bali for my daughter's wedding.
Honestly this is not a helpful time to have this problem.
It seems to be related to some Facebook issues.
I'm posting this, and if it works I will rewrite the lost posts and publish them later today
This is the most recent painting from my series of daily plein air paintings. 

"Branford Park in Late Autumn". 15121. Oil on Panel. 8x10 in.