Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Towards Atawhai

I've painted this view from this spot so many times, and yet it is always different. Today it was the shape of the hills behind Atawhai, sweeping towards me. I've never really noticed this so clearly before. It's all about the light, the weather, the time of the day.


15160 "Towards Atawhai" oil on panel. 9x12 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Monday, 29 June 2015

Nelson Haulout.

Today down at the haul out I was taken by the light playing on the hulls of these vessels. Wonderful translucent shadow forms and clips of light.

Their hulls are so beautiful. They truly exemplify the truth of the old saying, "Form follows function".

A boat that does not look good will not perform well.

15159. "Nelson Haulout" oil on panel. 9x12 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Sunday, 28 June 2015

Ahead of the storm

It is mid winter. We have passed the shortest day. And what a difference a day can make weather wise at this time of the year. Yesterday I was painting in the sunshine in Marborough. Today, only a hundred kilometres away, I'm standing in Nelson, down at the waterfront, shivering in my puffer jacket, brush in hand, facing a growing Westerly gale.
Absolutely worth it though. It's days like this that make us truly appreciate the golden days of summer.

The trawler heading into the Haven for shelter came late into my painting, but I think makes the story.

15158. "Ahead of the Storm". Oil on panel. 9x12 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Saturday, 27 June 2015

Richmond Range from Renwick

It was a lovely day today. Even the wind obliged by being gentle, although cold. I was looking for somewhere slightly elevated, with a nice cross lighting of the range.
I found this just out of Renwick

15157. "Richmond Range from Renwick" oil on panel. 9x12 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Friday, 26 June 2015

Rapaura road, Marlborough.

I have driven past this view many times but today I was able to stop and spend a few hours painting this.
Marlborough has very marked seasonal changes, thanks to it's vineyards. In winter the close clipped rows of vines have a lovely soft glow, quite different from the sharp greens of spring, the lush growth of summer, and the wild extravagance of autumn.
I will be back for more Marlborough en plein air.

15156. "From Raupara Road". Marlborough. Oil on panel. 8x12 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Thursday, 25 June 2015

Nelson Haven.

My home town. It's called Nelson Haven for good reason. Once behind the boulder bank small vessels and large are safe from the open sea. I painted this looking from the marina towards Atawhai.

It was a cold but clear day with little wind. Actually it was quite warm in the sun after a while, although it got cold again later.

I thought that the small yacht sitting on the hard near the Maitai River had found a good spot to rest and wait for the tide.

15155. "Nelson Haven" oil on panel. 9x12 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Mt. Arthur in June.

Mt. Arthur, painted from the Waimea Estuary, behind Rabbit Island. This was painted following one of the coldest nights we have had for years. For once, I did not have to leave Nelson and drive South to find snowy hills.

It is just as well, as all the mountain passes are closed.

15154 "Mt. Arthur, in June". Oil on panel. 9 x 12 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Sunday, 14 June 2015

St Arnaud by the Lake

I've recently seen the wonderful film "Mr Turner". This view from Mt Robert with the clouds clearing over St. Arnaud was irresistible. Very cold wind blowing, occasional showers, I restricted myself to a very small panel. I would love to revisit it on a much larger scale.

15153. "St. Arnaud by the Lake". Oil on panel. 6x8in. $75

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Saturday, 13 June 2015

Lake Rotoiti

First snow painting of this season! I was up here a few weeks ago, after hearing that there had been an early snow fall, but by the time I got up here, a few days later, it had been rained off.
Never mind. Today made up for it. One of the problems of painting in the mountains is that what you can see depends so much upon the cloud cover, and the direction of any wind.
I have several favourite locations around the foreshore, but this one was the only one that worked for me today. However, it was more than adequate. A very enjoyable day at the lake.

15152. "Lake Rotoiti". Oil on panel. 8 x 12 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Friday, 12 June 2015

Morning Roll Call.

Somehow appealed to my sense of humour. The wise old owl and his little flock.

I've been too long in the studio with my apples. Off to the mountains tomorrow. I hope to paint my first snow scenes of the year.

15151. "Morning Roll Call" oil on panel. 8x10 in. $100.

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Crab apples and silver dish.

Another rainy day so back into,the studio to paint still life. The apples are lasting, so I'll paint them while I can.

Still life is quite a different discipline than landscape, even although I'm painting it directly, using the same palette of colours and the same equipment that I use outdoors.

The compositional challenges are different. Still fun, but different. It makes a very pleasant change, however I'm looking forward to getting outside again soon.

15140. "Crabb Apples and a Silver Dish". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $100

Any plein air painting may be purchased from this blog by emailing me at


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Thursday, 4 June 2015

Crabb apples and sugar.

I have never seen Crabb apples so huge and so ripe as the ones our tree this year. The wax eyes are going nuts over them. There must have been a dozen of them working away in the crab apple tree. I must post a photo of it tomorrow.

In the meantime, the rain returned so it was back into the studio. I'm thinking Crabb apple jelly, so it was inevitable that I picked up the little sugar storage jar from the kitchen on the way out. It makes a nice composition, and reminds me that there is more joy to come from the crab apples yet. Yum!

15148. "Crab Apples and Sugar". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at


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Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Nelson Haven.

After days of rain, the weather gods finally relented, and allowed the sun to shine. I am still enjoying painting my apples, but the opportunity to take my plein air kit and a small panel, and go looking for an out door subject was too good to miss.

I found this view along the boulder bank, looking towards Nelson. I included a "painting on location" shot so that those of you who don't live here can realize that yes, Nelson is this beautiful, and no, he is not exaggerating.

15147. "Nelson Haven". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $75.

Any plein air painting may be purchased by emailing me at


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Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Apples and crab apples

This is better, but not there yet.

15146. "Apples and Crab Apples" oil on panel. 8x10 in. Unfinished.

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Monday, 1 June 2015

Unfinished apple still life

Rotten headache. Double vision. Off to bed. Finish this tomorrow.

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