Saturday, 26 September 2015

Cherry Blossom

This is the painting I wanted to do yesterday, but there was too much wind to allow the reflections to develop as I would have liked. Today was lovely and still. A lot of people enjoying the gardens and the stillness. So fragile, so lovely, and for so short a time.

"Cherry Blossom in Miyazu Park" oil on panel. 8x10in. 150902

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Location:Maitai Valley Road,Maitai,New Zealand

Friday, 25 September 2015

Daylight saving and plein air painting begins.

Tonight we switch over to daylight saving. At PAPON we also start the new plein air season, painting as a group on Sunday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm for those who like to paint with others.
Every Saturday I will post here and on my Facebook page where we will be meeting.
Tomorrow I will be at Miyazu Park again, enjoying the blossom. I look forward to seeing you there.

"Cherry Blossom. Miyazu Park". Oil on panel. 8x10in..

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Friday, 18 September 2015

Old Fishing Shack at Ligar Bay

This old charmer is on a sand spit at Ligar Bay, South Island. The weather was changeable but the rain held off long enough to get this one in the box. Don't you just love spring weather?

"Old Fishing Shack, Ligar Bay". Oil on panel. 8x10 in.

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Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Duck Pond in the Queen's Gardens

Spring is upon us. I'm back out plein air painting. Blossom time next. This is a sort of tune up for the year ahead.

"Duck Pond in the Queen's Gardens". Oil on panel. 12x16 in.

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