Thursday, 30 April 2015

My daily post is coming.

I'm having problems getting it to post.

In the meantime, here is today's painting. Mount Robert, at Lake Rotoiti.

15119. "Waiting for the Ship". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Brent working on the Pelin

Ok. Had tea. Lit fire. Went into studio, and finished this painting. I think that the figure completes it.

15118. "Brent working on the Pelin". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150.

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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28 foot Pelin being refurbished

I was passing through the marina hard stand today and saw an old friend working on this Pelin cabin cruiser. It would have been built at least thirty years ago. Fibre glass over ply. Frank Pelin was an iconic boat designer in the sixties and seventies whose boats are instantly recognisable by the lovely flare of their bows.

I stopped and chatted for a while, and asked him if he had any objections to me painting my daily picture of the boat. No problem mate. Go for it.

The painting is not quite finished. I want to include him working away on the foredeck. Maybe finish it tonight. If I do I will repost it.

15118. "Pelin Cruiser being refurbished" oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Location:Maitai,New Zealand

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Tempest Captain

Another view of the new lady. I just love the sweet curves of her hull. Reverse view, painted from mid morning. Started in bright sunlight, then it clouded over.

Seems to work alright as a painting.

15117 "Tempest Captain". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Monday, 27 April 2015

A Rider of the Storms

I have discovered a new gracious lady: "Tempest Captain". She is on the hard, near where "Miss Otago" was beached. She is a vintage launch who has undoubtedly had a hard life.

I love and respect these old vessels. There is an honesty and dignity in the way they carry their bumps and bruises. They were designed and built to be sea worthy and reliable. Rugged efficiency always trumped style for the sake of fashion.

As I stood there painting her for the first, but certainly not the last time, I thought of all the storms she has faced in her time. I have cruised Tasman Bay and the Marborough Sounds often enough over the years to appreciate how calm and benign weather can turn nasty in a matter of hours. There are always bolt holes, but they are few and not necessarily close at hand.

These simple craft were built to keep the sea out, their rig on and their crew in.
She will have faced many challenges over the years, and now she rests on the hard. "Tempest Captain". A rider of many storms, home at last.

15116. "A Rider of the Storms". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sunday, 26 April 2015

Crab apples

Poured with rain all day. I painted this lovely tree in our garden, standing on the deck, under the veranda.

I think it worked out ok, but the photo was tricky, given the difficult light.

15115. "Crab Apples" oil on panel 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Saturday, 25 April 2015

Branford Park. (For my friends and family in England)

Branford Park, in the misty rain. Not rain as such, although it has been raining quite hard, and more is expected.

This very soft and gentle painting basically signals the end of this year's Branford Park in Autumn series. By the end of April the sun remains low, and only comes into this steep sided valley for a few hours a day. For the next few months the light here is very subdued and no longer brings out the autumnal blaze that I love.

One of the joys of plein air painting every day is to watch the light change with the seasons. Again, by painting every day and working with the same subjects over and over, I am finding new subtleties.

I am also looking forward to painting them once again after they have gone for the year. Now that ANZAC Day has past I wish that I had painted more poppies while they were flourishing in our garden. Never mind. Next year I will.

15114. "Branford Park, in Misty Rain". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Friday, 24 April 2015

Anzac Park, after dawn parade

The Dawn Parade was held at Trafalgar park, and went on longer than usual as it was the centennial. I went straight to Anzac Park but the light was changing to fast.

This is really a memory painting from the glimpse I had before it went all grey. It was overcast and that helped.

I think I will persevere with this one and give it another session perhaps tomorrow morning earlier, if it's not raining.

15113. "Anzac park at Dawn". Oil on panel. 8x10. NFS

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Thursday, 23 April 2015


Some years ago an artist friend saw this grove of young maples in autumn and said, "They look like a group of young dancers". Ever since then, whenever I see them in their autumn glory I see them as ballerinas.

With their big mama looming behind them as chaperone. Heh.

15112. "Ballerinas". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $ 150.

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Wednesday, 22 April 2015

The Red Baron

I liked painting this one. So much so I'm going to have another go tomorrow. I was beaten by the light at the finish.

I'll start earlier tomorrow.

15111. "The Red Baron". Oil on panel. 8x 10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Golden Queen

Today this magnificent cotton wood poplar caught my attention. All week I have been painting portraits of trees in their autumn splendour. Consequently I'm starting to see trees not merely as individuals, but posessing their own personalities.

Acknowledging that this is an anthropomorphic conceit, I nevertheless see this lovely tree with its sinuous curving beauty as female. Not only but also a queen among her courtiers.

So different from the big bonsai, or the gnarled old willow, hanging over their river bank, she stands tall and proud in the center of the park, surrounded by younger lesser trees. Even so, she holds the eye with her noble grace.


Tomorrow. (Weather permitting), the "Red Baron"...

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Monday, 20 April 2015

The Big Bonsai

The title of this post is an oxymoron I believe. But somehow when I saw this creaky old willow, leaning over the Maitai bridge, it so much reminded me of those wonderful bonsai trees, hundreds of years old, growing in bowls.

I think that those bonsai are referencing real big trees like this one. I guess it's only fair, turn about, for old willows like these to refer back to the bonsai they inspired.

15109. "The Big Bonsai". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sunday, 19 April 2015

Portrait of a Tree

Autumn days can be so gentle. The light is warm. No breeze today. I worked in the garden this morning, and went painting this afternoon. If every autumn day was like this you could ask for nothing more.

"Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness" as the poet said in his Ode. (Keats)

Of course, winter is coming, and many days of challenge for the plein air painter lie ahead.

But today was lovely. I wanted to paint portraits of trees this week, and this is the first one. A grand old gnarled willow, with the Maitai River and golf course behind.

15108 "Portrait of a Tree" oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150.

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Saturday, 18 April 2015

Branford Park

It gets better by the day. A lovely day in the park. I had three others painting beside me, and several other people stopped to watch and chat. A very nice day.

I feel like a week of painting portraits of trees up and down the valley coming on. We will see what the weather gods together with the vicissitudes of daily life deliver.

15107. "Autumn in Branford Park". Oil on panel. 9x12 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Friday, 17 April 2015

Miss Otago's Gone

This is a painting about nothing at all. I have been thinking about Miss Otago over the past week or so. I have been meaning to get down there and paint her portrait again, one more time. However, it has been raining almost continually, and when it stopped I had a mural to restore, that I promised I would do in April, when the weather cleared.

Yes, the mural is looking quite good thank you. And after the rain had cleared, and the mural had reached a good place to take a break for a few days, I decided to celebrate the fine afternoon with a pilgrimage. To see my lady. But she was gone.

I always knew that this moment was inevitable, but as they say, when the end comes, it comes all at once. The anticipated end seems to take us by surprise, no matter how prepared we think we are.

I somehow imagined that when the end came I would be there, to see her off on her last voyage. That was not to be.

Heck. It was just a derelict old trawler long past her use by date. Nice lines. Rugged. Valueless. She will make a great artificial reef, nurturing more fish than she probably ever caught. A good end.

So why am I bereft? Dunno.

But I painted this. It is where she was waiting before her final voyage.

Even nature was one with the occasion. The heavy grey cloud hung over the hard stand all afternoon, casting a shadow over Nelson haven. The other boats seem lessened in her absence. Sitting away to the side.

Miss Otago's gone.


15106. "Miss Otago's Gone". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Thursday, 16 April 2015

Golden Reflections

This is the painting I was heading out to do yesterday and the day before. Golden Reflections in the Maitai River.

This is such a beautiful part of the Maitai, just below the golf course, where the creek from Sharlands joins it.

I pass it every day, and it is always changing, always beautiful. This is the third time this year I have painted this view, and it is always a pleasure. An old friend indeed.

15105. "Golden Reflections". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Clouds returning

We have just had three gloriously fine days, but like all good things, it has to come to an end. I was up on a trestle, finishing the undercoat for a mural I'm restoring, when I realised that it had become both darker and colder. I took a break, looked around, and realised just how much it had clouded over.

I was about to pack up for the day anyway, and realised that my subject for the day had selected itself once again. One of the nice things about painting clouds early or late is the raking light that models them, and produces neat shadows.

Funny old things clouds. They are nowhere near as dark and light as they appear at first sight. Very translucent. The modelling is more a shift in colour temperature than in tone. This is particularly the case later in the evening as the light progressively warms, and the cloud shadows go quite purple.

My painting was finished before this happened to any great extent. Just as well or it would have called for a complete repaint.

15104. "Clouds Returning to our Valley" oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The Fallen Willow

This was not what I was going to paint today. As I've been driving back and forth in the valley over the past few days my eye has been continually caught by the golden autumn willows, and their reflections in the still quiet waters of our placid river. Well, placid for now. It will be a raging torrent again before this month is out.

I had my spot chosen. I parked up, got out, paced up and down looking for the best position for my easel. Sorted. Then as I turned back to the truck to get my gear I saw this willow.

Broken, golden in this dying season, sprawled among the rocks, yet somehow indomitable. I know that in spring it will be back. It just doesn't know how to quit.

Long live the willow. The glory of our turbulent river valley. Broken. Battered. Torn by fierce waters, hammered by frosts, lashed by fierce winter winds, in spring they are the first to bud burst, in summer they bless our river banks with their cool green shade.

And in tranquil autumn there is the promise of their return.

My subject for today: "The Fallen Willow"

15103 "The Fallen Willow". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Monday, 13 April 2015

Riwaka Boatsheds

The southwest corner of Tasman Bay is remarkably tidal. This is the Riwaka River, where it goes out to sea at low tide. At high tide, in a few hours time, this estuary will be full from bank to bank. Quite reasonable vessels can navigate these waters at least for a few hours every day.

There is a port and wharf around the corner that I will paint some day soon, but these wonderful old Boatsheds, standing in the sun, will do for now.

They are not used anymore. There owners are dispersed all over New Zealand. I imagine that there is always the intention to return, or to pass them on to family in their turn, but in the meantime they stand there dreaming in this early autumn afternoon.

These tidal flats that at first glance seem so empty, once studied, are a painter's dream. There is just as much painterly incident in them as there is in an estuary filled with the sea. Warm against cool. Edge against edge, lost and found. A delight.

15102. "Riwaka Boatsheds". Oil on panel. 9x12 in. $200

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sunday, 12 April 2015

Waimea Vineyards.

I really love autumn. Today it was the golden vines of Seifried Estate that called to me. I noticed the grape vines changing a couple of weeks ago as I drove past on my way to Rabbit Island.

They weren't paintable then because many had white netting over, but today they were golden, wild and free. (Humph. They are starting to sound like an Aussie surfer girl.)

Anyway, I started early, and managed to complete it before the change in weather arrived. As I was putting the last touches in place I noticed some spots of rain appearing on the paint in front of me. I turned around and saw this:

I said to myself, "It's time to pack things away I think..." And did so at speed. I even managed to take this photo before I put the panel safely in its box.

I also managed to get all my gear and myself into the truck before it belted down. Grin. You have to win some, some of the time eh?

15101. "Waimea Vineyard" oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150.

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Saturday, 11 April 2015

Branford Park

A lovely sunny day, for a very special painting. This is number 100 for this year!
As followers of this blog know, my aim is to paint a painting en plein air every day for a year.

One hundred is a milestone, and suggests that I am going to make it. Mind you, the really challenging weather lies ahead, but the habit of painting every day has been well and truly embedded. I actually feel quite restless if I haven't gone out by early afternoon.

Today I returned to Branford Park. The weather was great, after days of rain, and it was good to meet up with the group again. The trees continue to change. I note that my autumn paintings are softer and more atmospheric this year, using a brush rather than a knife, although it will be interesting to see if this continues as the trees get more golden and red.

15100. "Branford Park". Oil on panel. 9 x 12 in. $200

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Friday, 10 April 2015

On the Beach

It rained pretty well all day. It eased this afternoon to a drizzle, so I went out prowling. Basically looking for shelter, and then painting whatever was in front of me. I ended up at Tahunanui Beach. The best thing going for me was this old macrocarpa. Back lit of course. The sun made a valiant attempt but soon gave up. I spent most of my time wrestling with the foreground.

Drips down my neck didn't help. Grin. Never mind. One of the more interesting qualities of oil paint is that when mixed with water they form an emulsion that seems to stick once the water evaporates back in the studio.

My jeans are wet from mid thigh downward. Very clammy driving home afterward. I'm just going to write this, and after posting it I'm having a hot shower and then cooking some dinner.

"The plein air painter is a man of many parts,
And most of them are standing in the rain..."

(From a poem I wrote a couple of years ago. Heh."

15099. "On the Beach" oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Thursday, 9 April 2015

"Rainbow Bridge"

Ok. I know that it's not called "Rainbow Bridge". Nor is it painted in pretty colours. But somehow when I saw it today, seeming to float above its reflection, weightless, almost evanescent against the shadowy hills looming behind the city, themselves drifting away amongst the clouds, I thought, "Like a rainbow."

There is gold to be found at the foot of a rainbow, and as a painter I could and did find painter's gold in the reflections.

You can see our idiosyncratic City Council chambers behind the bridge, and their oddness I think adds to the appeal of the subject. Actually, dear old Nelson itself is a rather idiosyncratic city in its own right.

I love it...

15098. "Rainbow Bridge". Oil on panel. 8x10 inches. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Haulashore Ferry

Painted again from Sunderland Quay, but looking South instead of North.
This is the quaint little ferry that takes visitors to Haulashore Island. It gets a fair workout over the summer months. Not so much from autumn onwards.

Everything is getting very autumnal now. This has been a pleasant change from the valley. We have had a fair bit of rain, and the harbour looks a bit murky. Good painting though.

15097. "Haulashore Ferry". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150.

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

For Tony

I'm convinced that this will bring a tear of nostalgia to my old chum's eye. Tony Allain spent many days painting down at our port. I was passing the port again today, (yet another wet day,) when I saw this container ship loading. It was an easy choice of subject.

I stood on Sutherland Quay, next to the yacht club, and set up my easel. I could see the next shower approaching from way over the bay, but figured that if I used a big brush energetically enough I would have it nailed before it came.

It was a close run thing, but as you can see, I think that I made it. Cheers!

15096. "Loading. Port Nelson". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailng me at

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Monday, 6 April 2015

Branford Park in the Rain.

It wasn't raining when I began, but it was by the time I had finished. School holidays have begun, and there were mums with kids and dogs, but by the time I had finished the rain had come and the folks had gone.

It can be lonely being a plein air painter in winter. Sigh.

15095. "Branford Park, in the Rain" oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sunday, 5 April 2015

Branford Park.

Another day at the Park. It started out a bit gloomy from this morning's drizzle, but cleared to give a nice light. The trees continue to change quickly. It will be a blaze of glory by the end of the week. Then we will move into leaf fall.

A lot of people enjoying the holiday break. Dog walkers, joggers, cyclists, even a bloke with an easel up, painting the autumn landscape.

15094. "Branford Park". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any plein air painting from this blog can be purchased by emailing me at

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Saturday, 4 April 2015

Branford Park

So the leaves progress: Lighter, brighter, and then they're gone. Autumn inspires such mixed feelings. Quiet joy, touched with an underlying sadness.

A "Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness"..

I can feel a week or more of Branford Park coming up.

15093. "Branford Park". Oil on panel. 8 x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Friday, 3 April 2015


When we arrived at this property eight years ago we were told that there was an orchard. The place was very neglected and overgrown, and we could not find the orchard.

Then one day I saw this huge gorse bush with apples. It took me a week of hard labour. I had to cut and remove several trailer loads of gorse, bracken, and blackberry, but at the finish I had uncovered three apple trees: A Granny Smith, a Cox's Orange, and this one.

I don't know what variety it is, but the apples are huge, red and delicious. A Red Delicious perhaps? I painted them on the tree a few weeks ago. Here they are on the table. Truly, an autumn delight.

15092. "Red Delicious" oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150.

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Thursday, 2 April 2015

Cape Foulwind

Cape Foulwind. I've been wanting to paint this again for some time. It was a good day. I think that it works.

I'm going to return and paint it again. It really fascinates me

15091. "Cape Foulwind". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Wednesday, 1 April 2015


I had so many possibilities today, but it was overcast, not a lot of wind, so the marina at Greymouth looked worthwhile investigating.

I saw this neat trawler as I drove past. I looked a a lot of other possibilities, but kept thinking about her. So, Corolu it was.

15090. "Corolu" oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150.

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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