Monday, 27 April 2015

A Rider of the Storms

I have discovered a new gracious lady: "Tempest Captain". She is on the hard, near where "Miss Otago" was beached. She is a vintage launch who has undoubtedly had a hard life.

I love and respect these old vessels. There is an honesty and dignity in the way they carry their bumps and bruises. They were designed and built to be sea worthy and reliable. Rugged efficiency always trumped style for the sake of fashion.

As I stood there painting her for the first, but certainly not the last time, I thought of all the storms she has faced in her time. I have cruised Tasman Bay and the Marborough Sounds often enough over the years to appreciate how calm and benign weather can turn nasty in a matter of hours. There are always bolt holes, but they are few and not necessarily close at hand.

These simple craft were built to keep the sea out, their rig on and their crew in.
She will have faced many challenges over the years, and now she rests on the hard. "Tempest Captain". A rider of many storms, home at last.

15116. "A Rider of the Storms". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150

Any plein air painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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  1. Well done Ross it should be interesting watching the series
    Cheers Ian

  2. Hi Ian. As you know I was bereft when Miss Otago went to her final resting place. Now Tempest Captain has turned up. Life goes on...
