Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Cat and Cut

This is a whimsical title that hints at a nautical theme with some meaning for Nelson people. The Cat is a catamaran, and The Cut is of course the entrance in the boulder bank that was cut in the early twentieth century.

After the sea bed silted and became shallower at the end of the nineteenth century, large vessels could no longer enter Nelson Haven by going around Haulashore Island, so there was a need for a new entrance.

Seeing the catamaran today, anchored by the cut, ready for sea, was a natural composition.

I am guessing that my old friend Tony will see this painting with just a twinge of nostalgia. We miss you too old chum.

15056. "Cat and Cut". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150.

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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