Saturday, 28 February 2015

Roses in the Sun

Today our plein air painting group met in the Queen's Gardens Rose Garden.
It was very hot, with a cloudless sky, so it was good to be able to stand in a shady spot.

I was very taken with an avenue winding away from the Rose Garden, into the shadows. In the middle distance light pink roses blazed in the sunshine. In the foreground big pink roses climbed into the composition. It was really interesting to paint.

Generally these tricky compositions call for planning a sequence of steps before you begin, otherwise it can get a bit messy.

Some subjects are so straight forward that they almost paint themselves. Others, not so much. Especially when there are figures, or bright clear colours. You have to decide even before the paint is mixed, what should go where first, then second, and so on.

This one seemed to work out ok.

15059. "Roses in Sunlight". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150.

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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  1. I like the two big blooms standing on guard!

    1. Funny, at the time they demanded to be included. They weren't going to be left out. Grin.

  2. Hello Ross. It's Jenn from the Queens Garden. I was watching you paint this lovely piece yesterday. It truly is remarkable how just the distance of where you stand to view the painting changes how you see it. Thank you so much for letting me watch you paint and for giving me pointers. I really appreciate it! Hope to come and plain air paint with your group in the future! :) Take care!

    1. Hi Jenn, it was lovely having an attentive and appreciative watcher. I hope that you can join us in the future. If you want to try oil, I have some spare kit, easel, paint and stuff. We could set up side by side and develop a painting together. Could be fun. Keep in touch. Cheers, Ross
