Saturday, 21 March 2015

Car park mum

Today it rained. Well, drizzled actually, although some serious rain is promised later. Our plein air group met at the Montgomery Square car park to paint today, as there is always some shelter somewhere handy.

There are a surprising range of subjects in a municipal car park. I was tempted to paint reflections in the plate glass windows, but in the end genre proved too tempting. I really enjoy painting cars anyway, and a car park has endless vignettes of people going about their business.

Today my attention was caught by this young mum wrestling with a child's car seat as the drizzly rain set in. Blokes have their own challenges in contemporary life, but this is a peculiarly modern mum one.

In the event she was ultimately successful and drove off. I managed to get most of the action down, and finished it in the studio.

15079. "Car Park Mum". Oil on panel. 8x10 in. $150.

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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