Sunday, 29 March 2015

The New Truck

It is truck trade in time. The old one had given me great service. Taken me confidently through some quite challenging situations, delivered me to some amazing plein air painting locations and brought me back safely again.

But Tempus Fugit. On the way back from Blenheim a couple of weeks ago a fan belt broke on the far side of the Wangamoas, inevitably out of cell phone coverage, and it cost me much time and expense getting it back to Nelson before night fall.

It was long out of warranty, but even so it had been regularly serviced, following the recommended intervals. Stuff happens. Ok. I realise that. Even so, I have a challenging year ahead, with much off road adventuring in the Deep South, crossing braided rivers, up remote valleys, following the snow.

Heck, it's a tough job, but someone has to do it. Heh.

Anyway that's my justification for getting a new truck. If it wasn't for the
wilderness calling the outdoor painter in me, I'm sure that I could think of another reason...

15087. "The New Truck". Oil on panel. 8x10in. NFS

Most plein air paintings from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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