Saturday, 31 January 2015

Misty Trees in Branford Park

Today it was raining when I arrived at Branford Park. It started out heavy, then eased to drizzle. I was quite taken with this clump of sodden trees. I liked the depth and the tangle, but there was also structure. Some light from distant fields could be seen, and they seemed much brighter than they actually were.
I never think of these paintings as necessarily finished works of art. Rather they present an opportunity to study interesting challenges. Sort if impressionist sketches in real time.

I think that this one works in a moody sort of way.

Wouldn't it be great if we had sublime subjects such as the Archway Rocks everyday? The simple fact is that we don't and can't, but we can prepare ourselves for those special moments by making the best of what is available.

At least, that is what I keep telling myself while I'm standing painting en plein air in the rain...

15032. "Misty Ress in Branford Park". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Friday, 30 January 2015

Archway Rocks. Wharariki

This is a very special place. "Chicken Soup for the Soul". Whenever I paint here I feel immensely privileged. Both to have the opportunity, and over the years to have painfully acquired the skills to do it justice.
I think that this is my best version yet. (All that practice is paying off Jen!)
I was lucky with the weather and tide too. When I arrived it was high tide and overcast. As I painted the tide dropped, giving these magic reflections in the wet sand. Then the sun came out and my day was complete. A passing seagull or two. Gentle swell breaking along the base of these mighty rocks...
Paradise for a plein air painter.

15031. "Archway Rocks, Wharariki". Oil on panel. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Daisies and Bugloss

Now I'm in Golden Bay. Not good signal. Painted this today before leaving.
Daisies and Bugloss by a pool in the valley.
I'm just a bit uneasy about this one..the light changed on me. Clouded over. Never mind. Another day tomorrow. I'm going to try for the Archway Rocks.

15030. "Daisies and Bugloss" oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Location:Collingwood-Puponga Main Road,Pakawau,New Zealand

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Vipers Bugloss. In the Maitai.

This has been the most amazing summer for wild flowers. Presently this beautiful prickly plant, "Vipers Bugloss" is rampant in the valley. I found this meadow just across the river from where we live. I have often meant to paint the wild flowers in the past, but in previous years by the time I got around to it they had disappeared. Not so this year, when I'm out painting every day!

15029. "Vipers Bugloss" oil on panel. 9x12 in. $200.

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Anzac Memorial

I painted this today in the Anzac park. Loved the geraniums. Included the seagull.

15028. "Anzac Memorial" oil on panel. 6x8'in. $100

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Monday, 26 January 2015

Cruise ship, Port Nelson

This was the subject I was on my way to paint yesterday, but was sidetracked at Sublime Coffee. How our intemperate appetites lead us astray. Sigh.

Fortunately this huge vessel was still there today, but painting it only reinforced the feeling that I need to paint more ships, more often, and on a larger scale.
I will return tomorrow (if it is still here) and paint a larger version.
One gets accustomed to certain familiar subjects, and it is always tempting to take the easy road, the low road. A wonderful challenge like this is to be celebrated.
As you have probably guessed, I enjoyed my afternoon at the port. I need to paint there more often if I'm to develop an easy competence in painting ships, both large and small.

15027. "Cruise Ship, Port Nelson". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sunday, 25 January 2015

Sublime Coffee

Their coffee really is sublime. I must confess to calling in once a day just to confirm this, and I have never been disappointed.
Today I painted this with a knife. It looked ok at the time, in the bright sun, but I think that it calls for some judicious softening with the brush this evening.
If it is improved, and I expect that it will be, I will repost it.

15026. "Sublime Coffee." Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Friday, 23 January 2015

Kite Surfers, Tahunanui.

Today was a real scorcher, with a spring tide. The sea breeze was only just kicking in when I got to the beach, but already there were dozens of kite surfers getting ready. Pumping up their gliders or whatever it is they do. The wind will be wicked later. Certainly the parking was wicked and I was lucky enough to arrive just as someone was leaving, so I didn't have to carry my kit too far across the sand.

This is the set up with the painting almost complete. I only had the gliders to put in, but this is the treacherous bit. A shaky hand, what with wet paint in the sky, and hello: it's re paint time.
I made it, although I did not push my luck past three wings. Phew!

15024. "Kite Surfers at Tahunanui." Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Thursday, 22 January 2015


I have rediscovered a love of painting flowers this summer. I suppose that it was an inevitable progression to finally painting the flower of love. At least, I am told that the Latin name means "love flower", so who am I to argue. Certainly the hillsides and berms of Nelson and Stoke are a blaze of blue, shimmering in the sun. I find them quite intimidating as a subject when growing en mass, but when I got home this afternoon I was delighted to find these three flower heads growing in shady solitude nearby.

15023. "Agapanthus." Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $k100

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Wednesday, 21 January 2015

The Chinese garden

This is becoming the summer of the gardens. I started some months ago with the local Japanese Garden. Since then I've painted in the Queens Gardens Nelson, the Palmerston North Rose Gardens, and Samuels Rose Garden in Stoke. Today I tackled the Chinese Garden, next to the Queens Gardens down town. More gardens to come. Just love the huge tiled roof. Lots of people passing today, who stopped to look and chat.

15022. "The Chinese Garden" oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Location:Maitai,New Zealand

Mackay's Clouds touched up

OK. I've touched it up in the studio. I think that it works better. I only looked at the cloud edges, and softened the transitions. What do you think? Have I transgressed against the ethos of the plein air painter? Am I compromised? Or is it ok? Over to you guys...
I think that the studio photo is better too.

15021. "Clouds over Mackay's Bluff " oil on panel. 6x8 in.

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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Clouds over Mackay's Bluff

This was one of those paintings that went sideways. I intended to paint a nice blue vista with sparkling waters and distant skies. Then it clouded over and the tide went out. Sigh. The joys of plein air painting. Stii, I think that it works although the clouds still seem a little edgy. Perhaps a judicious touchup in the studio to soften them.

15021 "Clouds over Mackay's Bluff" oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Monday, 19 January 2015

At Sharlands Creek

Again, one of those glimpses, from out of the corner of the eye. As the road into town crosses Sharlands Creek, this fractional view of the river catches the eye. I have always intended to stop someday. Today I did, and for once the longer more leisurely look was not disappointing. I set my easel up at the side of the road and began working. It is a busy road, and before I had finished I must have chatted to half a dozen neighbours who had stopped to examine progress. Everybody seemed happy enough, so I think it must have captured something of the mood of the light under the willows.

15020. "At Sharlands Creek". Oil on panel. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sunday, 18 January 2015

Dappled Shade under the Fig Tree

I must say that I have become fascinated by dappled light and shade this summer. When I painted plein air once or twice a week I tended to look for the traditional big landscape painting subject.
Now that I'm painting and posting every day I'm finding all sorts of delightful little fragments that touch on the experience of catching something interesting out of the corner of the eye.
Once I would have been reluctant to paint something that wasn't "significant".
Now that I have to find something of interest every day I find myself studying these little vignettes.
I'm also learning so much more both about the craft of painting and different compositional possibilities.
This year will be increasingly exciting. Yeah!

15019. "Dappled Shade, Under the Fig Tree" oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at:

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Saturday, 17 January 2015

Barbecue in the shade

Whew! This day was a hot one. I don't know what the actual temperature was, but those who weren't swimming in the Maitai River, were sitting in the shade. Even our group, the plein air painters of nelson, were working in the shade. This small group gathered in the near by pavilion for their picnic. Lots of laughter. I don't think that they noticed that they were the subject of my painting. It was a good day all round.
It is the first painting I've done since the challenge began that has significant figures. I think it works. What do you think?

15018. "Barbecue in the Shade". Oil on panel. 6x8!in. $100

Any painting from this blog can be purchased by emailing me at

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Friday, 16 January 2015

Maitai Wildflowers.

I went down to what has become one of my favourite plein air painting locations in the valley. I wasn't sure what I would find, as we had quite heavy rain overnight and the river was up a bit. Fortunately it had not reached this dry creek bed, and the wild flowers growing there had been wonderfully refreshed. Not only daisies but Lupins, sweet peas, gentians, and clover. I had it all to myself too, as once the clouds cleared, and the sun came out, the day became classic Nelson beach weather. Who is going to swim in a slightly turgid river, when the tide is rising over the warm sands?
It may be time to return to the beach.

15017. "Maitai Wildflowers". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

A any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Thursday, 15 January 2015

A shady nook

It was very blustery today here in Nelson, and occasionally quite overcast. That put paid to any beach venture. Instead I found a secluded corner in Samuel's Rose garden, Nayland Road. Sheltered, with an inviting bench under a pergola, it was a lovely spot to spend the afternoon.

15016. "A Shady Nook". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting may be purchased from this blog by emailing me at

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Location:Samuels Rose Garden

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

"The Jamie Seddon"

One of the most wonderful wrecks on the New Zealand coast and it is easily accessible for Plein air painters to paint. It's on the beach at Motueka, just across the bay from where I live.
Believe it or not, but some numpties in the local council were debating whether to have it removed as it is an attractive nuisance, and a danger to the public.
Sigh. So are snowy mountains and breaking waves...
However, this glorious subject is apparently safe for now. Although time and tide will ultimately have their way, it should outlast me. Heh.

15015. "The Jamie Seddon". Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog can be purchased by emailing me at

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Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Maitai Cricket Ground.

A lovely afternoon again. This time I stopped at the cricket ground on my way to the beach. It looked just right with the sun casting slight shadows. Not quite contre jour, ie into the sun, but near enough to nicely model the hills, and silhouette the huge poplars.
No cricketers today. Just a solitary dog walker, the usual daisies, and of course, me.

"Maitai Cricket ground" oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Monday, 12 January 2015

Kite Surfing at Tahunanui

I guess that this is the summer we have all been waiting for. A blistering hot day, a strong sea breeze building, and dog walkers and kite surfers sharing one of the iconic beaches in NZ. Not to mention of course a slightly deranged plein air painter working in the adjoining dunes sans shelter, sans shade, and some might unkindly suggest, somewhat obsessive and lacking common sense. Of course, common sense does not often produce interesting paintings either. I enjoyed painting this. Now for a nice cool drink and a snooze in the shade.

15013. "Kite Surfing at Tahunanui". Oil on panel. 6x8in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sunday, 11 January 2015

Maitai River , before Sharlands Rd.

Another one, under the willows. And yet again, a glimpse of the river I must have passed a hundred times and said, "I must paint that." So today I did.
And once again the same old problem. When you stop to study it, you can't find the subject at first. Too much to take in. Then I found it. This is what I kept seeing from the corner of my eye. I think I nailed it in the end.

- 15012. "Maitai River, before Sharlands Rd." Oil on panel. 6x8in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchase by emailing me at

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Saturday, 10 January 2015

Marina, Havelock

A very hot day. Cloudless sky. A lovely day for boating, or even just strolling around the marina looking at boats. I saw this great old boat, a well worn work boat, tied up among its elegant cousins, but somehow I cannot bring myself to believe that it was out of place.
Somewhat unnerving when almost finished to see a seagull watching me, as closely as I was examining the boats. I had to include him too.

15011. "Marina, Havelock." Oil on panel. 6x8in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Friday, 9 January 2015

Kenepuru Head

Kenepuru is often considered to be the most beautiful of the Marlborough Sounds. This may be parochial sentiment of course, but it was lovely indeed today. I saw this tidal creek just after slack water high and realised that it would be going out fast, so I began with that, reversing my normal procedure of working from top down, background to foreground. I started with the creek. It seems to have worked out ok.

15010. "Kenepuru Head". Oil on panel. 6x8. in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Location:Kenepuru Road,Black Rock,New Zealand

Thursday, 8 January 2015


Today I started early, well before midday. The last time I painted these roses in the Queen's Gardens I started well after lunch and the afternoon shadows changed the subject quite markedly after a couple of hours. This time I was able to complete the painting in full sunlight. I intended to paint down at the port but on the way past these roses needed some loving attention. To think that I used to miss red in the landscape until autumn. Now that I have rediscovered the various delightful rose gardens around Nelson I am almost overwhelmed with indulgent choice. Yum!

For those readers who live in or around Nelson, and who might be interested in seeing what these small plein air paintings look like in the hand, rather than on the screen, I have a small display of recent work at Impressions Gallery/Art suppliers at Richmond. Some of the delights of direct painting are the rich colour and the unmediated mark of the hand.

15009. "Floribundas in the Queen's Gardens II." Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Location:Queens gardens. Nelson

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Branford Park

This charming little pavilion was not the only reason to paint in the Park today. Normally Branford Park is closely mown, but I can only surmise that the mower is away on holiday. We have had quite a bit of rain over the past month and the grass has gone rampant. Along with all the wild flowers: dandelion, daisies, buttercups and clover. Delightful. It was these that made this the "paint me" subject of the day.

15008. "Branford Park". Oil on panel. 6x8in. Sold

Any painting from this blog can be purchased by emailing me at

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Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Dappled Light and Daisies

I have to say that I did not choose this subject because of the daisies, but because of the wonderful dappled light under the trees. It was only after I set myself up to paint that I really noticed the daisies. It was a pleasant change from painting yesterday under the full sun, to painting today standing in the shade.
Even so, I only just made it. Towards the end it got very dark under the trees, and I realised that it had clouded over, and the bright notes of light had gone. Now that I'm home writing this I would not be surprised if we had a pluvial event before evening. Not truly Nelson summer weather. Honestly.
Well, maybe this summer. But it is unusual. Honestly.

15007. "Dappled Light and Daisies" oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Monday, 5 January 2015

Field of Daisies

I've been driving past this field for weeks. The daisies just kept getting better. Finally I relented and surrendered to their appeal. There are enough daisies here to give "a daisy a day" until the end of a long long life. So often when I paint I find snatches of songs from years past going through my head from my heart. I suppose that I'm a hopeless romantic, but who else would stand in a paddock painting daisies? Sigh.

15006. "Field of daisies". 6x8in. Oil on panel. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Sunday, 4 January 2015


I found these in the Queen's Gardens. I had to work fast as the shadows were moving quite quickly over the roses. I'm not sure that I do my best work under the pressure of time, but it certainly sharpens one's decision making. Just love these summer flowers. Perhaps daisies next?

15005. "Floribundas" in the Queen's gardens. Oil on panel. 6x8in. $100

Any of these paintings from my blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Saturday, 3 January 2015

Roses are Red

I spent the morning in Samuels Rose Garden, Nayland Rd. I originally thought that I might paint a general view of the gardens, perhaps including some of the brick structures and buildings. However, on my way into the gardens I passed these glorious flowers glowing in the sun, and murmuring "paint me, paint me". Heck, as an aspiring gentleman how could I resist their appeal?

15004. "Roses are Red". Oil on panel. 6x8in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at:

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Friday, 2 January 2015

Banana palms in the Queen's Gardens

One of the fascinating challenges of the daily plein air painter is that you never actually know from day to day where you are going to be, and what you are going to paint. I was going to reprise the flower beds in the QG, then the possibility that Hil might be swimming at Tahunanui Beach, so while she swam, I would paint. Then the day turned a bit dodgy, so the garden called her instead.
I headed out to the QG as per the original plan, but was too late for the flowers, as the light had gone completely, but hello, these wonderful banana palms were still in the sun. You play the ball as delivered.
They are so much fun to paint, but the slightest breeze and the whole composition turns inside out. Patience and a reasonably good memory is called for. I think I nailed it though. It says banana palms to me.

15003. Banana palms in the Queen's Garden. Oil on panel. 6x8in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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Thursday, 1 January 2015

Afternoon shadow in the Queen's Gardens.

After weeks of painting green and brown it was a delight to enter the Queen's Gardens here in Nelson today, and see these brilliant flowers moving from bright sunlight into the shadow as the afternoon proceeded.
I think that I will have to paint them again, they are so bright and cheerful. Our native bush is very beautiful, but sombre. In our valley we do have enough exotics to make a brave display in autumn. In the meantime I will rejoice in this lovely display.

15002. Oil on panel. 6x8in. $100

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