This has been the most amazing summer for wild flowers. Presently this beautiful prickly plant, "Vipers Bugloss" is rampant in the valley. I found this meadow just across the river from where we live. I have often meant to paint the wild flowers in the past, but in previous years by the time I got around to it they had disappeared. Not so this year, when I'm out painting every day!

15029. "Vipers Bugloss" oil on panel. 9x12 in. $200.
Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at
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I do not think I have seen "Vipers Bugloss" - in your image looks very soft and gentle in the meadow. Is it really like this, or is it quite a bit prickly and a hard bush? Do like softness of image.
ReplyDeleteEn mass it is lovely, but when you go to pick it you find out why it's called "Vipers". Heh. Google it and check the images. I've never seen it so wide spread as this year. Combination of drought and heat I think.