Friday, 2 January 2015

Banana palms in the Queen's Gardens

One of the fascinating challenges of the daily plein air painter is that you never actually know from day to day where you are going to be, and what you are going to paint. I was going to reprise the flower beds in the QG, then the possibility that Hil might be swimming at Tahunanui Beach, so while she swam, I would paint. Then the day turned a bit dodgy, so the garden called her instead.
I headed out to the QG as per the original plan, but was too late for the flowers, as the light had gone completely, but hello, these wonderful banana palms were still in the sun. You play the ball as delivered.
They are so much fun to paint, but the slightest breeze and the whole composition turns inside out. Patience and a reasonably good memory is called for. I think I nailed it though. It says banana palms to me.

15003. Banana palms in the Queen's Garden. Oil on panel. 6x8in. $100

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