Friday, 23 January 2015

Kite Surfers, Tahunanui.

Today was a real scorcher, with a spring tide. The sea breeze was only just kicking in when I got to the beach, but already there were dozens of kite surfers getting ready. Pumping up their gliders or whatever it is they do. The wind will be wicked later. Certainly the parking was wicked and I was lucky enough to arrive just as someone was leaving, so I didn't have to carry my kit too far across the sand.

This is the set up with the painting almost complete. I only had the gliders to put in, but this is the treacherous bit. A shaky hand, what with wet paint in the sky, and hello: it's re paint time.
I made it, although I did not push my luck past three wings. Phew!

15024. "Kite Surfers at Tahunanui." Oil on panel. 6x8 in. $100

Any painting from this blog may be purchased by emailing me at

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  1. Congrats on your daily effort....must do wonders for your eye and ease of painting, any problem finding subject matter?
    Plien air must be good for the sun tan in summer!

    1. Eleven months to go. Hot now. Winter will be challenging. Heh. You are correct. The main benefit is developing the ability to see possible paintings everywhere. It feels quite uncanny actually. Look back over this month's work and see the range of subjects. Everything from grand vistas, to intimate corners, to close ups of flowers. I honestly don't know what I will be painting until I get there. Sometimes I don't even get to where I was going, but find my subject for the day on way there. It is challenging and huge fun.
